The photographs featured here are from Heart Gallery Los Angeles, a special exhibit featuring Los Angeles foster youth designed to highlight the need to find adoptive families for waiting children. These children love to laugh and learn and play but most of all they dream of finding a permanent loving family to call their own. Ensure these children receive their most wished-for gift. Here are some of the wishes that have been granted through SantaCAN. Send a gift today.

Alfonso, 14
Fender FA-100 Acoustic Guitar with Gig Bag Natural
Jaylon, 12
Razor A Kick Scooter
Jacob, 2
Big Band Drum Set
Audrey, 7
Baby Alive Make Me Better Doll
Guillermo, 8
Adidas 14 MLS Glider Ball
Diana, 8
Easy Bake Ultimate Oven
$55.67One gift will go a long way!
Buy & Send a GiftOther ways you can contribute and help a child.
Read What wish granters and grantees are saying ...
I hope you have a very Merry Christmas! I work as a photographer, so I was very impressed that you wanted a camera! I was about your age when I got my first camera and have loved taking pictures ever since. I hope you enjoy it and create some wonderful images with it :)
I wish you all the best,
It takes a strong young woman to walk in such powerful boots.
Stay focused. Stay spirited.
Stay fierce.
Happy holidays-as a foster kid myself-sharing the love.
Pay it forward where you can-even in the smallest ways.
I hope you have a WONDERFUL holiday season. You picked such a great gift-my husband and I are both artists and love it. It's something you'll enjoy for your entire life...even if you're just doodling on a restaurant napkin, which we sometimes do! :)
I'm sure you'll make lots of great, creative interesting art.
Meet Gabriel, Rosalina and Anastasia
This film is part of a series called “Change a Child’s Life” featuring Los Angeles area foster children telling their own stories in their own words. There are more than 100,000 foster children in the United States who need a place to call home. It is our hope that by raising awareness about the youth and sharing their hopes and dreams we can help them find permanent loving families. Your generous contribution will really make a difference.
Our Mission
Children’s Action Network is proud to present SantaCAN—a unique gift drive for Los Angeles foster youth. We are asking for your help to ensure that this is a wonderful time for these children by making sure they each receive their most wished for gift from a wish list they compiled.
SantaCAN began as a small annual holiday party for at-risk youth and has grown into an online event that has granted holiday wishes for more than 11,500 children in foster care in Los Angeles County. Children’s Action Network is so grateful to our supporters who made this possible.
A very special thank you to our Archangel Anne Simonds for championing and supporting SantaCAN.
2024 Supporters
Honorary Santa
- Shondaland Foundation
Super Elf
Master Toymaker
- Shondaland
- Core Digital
- Anne and Robert Simonds and Family
- Mayer Brown, LLP
Gingerbread Maker
- Klabin
- Wendy Greuel
Santa's Helper
- Diana Meehan
- Heather Green
Stocking Stuffer
- Cricket Cleary
- Jill Grey
- Pat Kandel
- Jane Munna
- Helenann Hirsch
- Claire Smith
- Nancy Hyland
- Leslie Mayer
- Deb Stenard
- Deborah Stoff
Gift Wrapper
- Lauren Muir
- Sara McCleskey
- Lindsey Pollard
- Diane Drake
- Noelle Held
- Olive Louise
- Sarah Villa
- Owen Burke
- RoseAnn Cadena
- Christina Pamies
- Rebecca Miller
- Meredith Murphy
- Kelly Launchbaugh
- Christina Cisneros
- Winnie Wechsler
- Ciara Bowman
- Jessica Asciolla
- V. Smith
- Jonathan King
- Sev Ohanian
- Helen Johns
- Diana Simonds
- Megan Pfaffenroth
- Bayan Laird
- Olivia Gardner
- Jack Gardner
- Jessica Grimshaw
- Jay Cannavo
- Laura Leigh, Maleigha & Barbara Hughes
- Kelcey Maguire
- Violett Beane
- Chelsea Lee
- Angela Chen
- Marilyn White-Redmond
- Vanessa Mullins
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